We are a cluster, established and financed by companies and organizations active in the sector of open cultivation. Our cluster was founded by entrepreneurs and now consists of representatives from all parts of open cultivation, including research organizations and educational institutions. This are the stakeholders of the agrofoodcluster. About 50 percent of the stakeholders deal with (seed)potatoes on a daily basis. However, also carrots, onions, chicory, and beets are represented within the Agrofoodcluster. Besides, stakeholders are also active in technique, processing, packaging, education and the administrative sector. Therefore, it is fair to say that our members are active throughout the entire supply chain!
The cluster functions as a portal, we bring parties together and allow parties to get to know each other so that cooperation can arise. We work on the basis of our pillars: Knowledge, Innovation and Business. We have a number of themes, which are elaborated in different activities.